Adult Gymnastics
16 Years +

Wednesday's 7.30-9.00pm
Our adult gymnastics classes are aimed at everyone, whether your an ex-gymnast looking to get back into the sport or a complete beginner who has been inspired to try something new.
Our classes are semi-structured and led by our qualified coaches. You will take part in a group warm up consisting of a pulse raiser, general stretch and strength exercises to aid your skill progression. You will then follow a 30min coach led circuit working on a variety of skills and apparatus. The class then has 30 mins of unstructured time in the gym where you will be free to work on your personal goals or further practice what you'd learnt in the class, before we finish with a group cool down.
Minimum age of 16 Years to attend our adult gymnastics class
All adult gymnasts must hold British Gymnastics membership & your card must be shown upon arrival
Suitable clothing must be worn, long hair tied back and all jewellery must be removed​
Shoes and socks must be removed before entering the gym
All bags and belongings should be left in the cubby holes outside the gym
Participants must remain within their personal boundaries and respect coaches advice
New members must complete a membership form in advance of their first class, contact us of you are planning to attend to request a form and save time at the start of the session.
Payment information: ​​
Pay as you go: £10.00 per class, paid in cash on arrival
Limited spaces, allocated on a first come first serve basis
Proof of British Gymnastics will be required upon arrival after your initial class